1. The Chairman Regional Procurement Committee on behalf of the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for Supply of Security Service for a period of one (01) year.
  • Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding Procedure.
  • To be eligible for contract award the successful bidder shall meet the following requirements:
  1. The bidder shall be a limited liability company or partnership or sole proprietor registered with the Registrar of Companies/ Provincial Council/ Divisional Secretariat with valid business registration as a provider of security service.
  • The bidder shall have a valid license issued by the Ministry of Defence
  • The bidder shall have been operating in Sri Lanka for the supply of security services at least for a period of five (05) years successfully up to now and shall be capable of demonstrating with documentary evidences, their track record of at least for five (05) years in supply of security services.
  • The bidder shall not have been black listed by Ministry of Health and Mass Media , government Hospitals or any other government organization previously.
  • Bidder shall meet the requirements of qualifications criteria stipulated in bidding document.
  • Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from, Director, Teaching Hospital Peradeniya. (Tel: 081-3880001) The bidding documents could be downloaded and inspect from the official website of Teaching Hospital Peradeniya ( ) from 24th February 2025. 
  • A non-refundable sum of Rs. 3,500.00 as Bid Document fee should be paid to the Shroff of Peradeniya Teaching Hospital or deposited in the Hospital Account No.057100129025207 of People’s Bank the relevant receipt should be submitted along with bid Documents.
  • Original & Duplicate bids shall be sealed separately and marked outside of the sealed envelop clearly as “Original” and “Duplicate”. Then the both Original & Duplicate sealed envelops shall be enclosed together in one envelop and  placed in the tender box made available at Accountant Office of the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya or sent by registered post addressed to the Chairman, Regional Procurement Committee , Teaching Hospital Peradeniya, at the above address to reach on or before 14.00 hrs on 10.03.2025. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened soon after closing, in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the above address.
  • Bids shall be valid up to 09.06.2025
  • All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Security, which shall be in the form included in the Bidding Document, issued in favour of Director, Teaching Hospital Peradeniya for an amount as follows valid up to 07.07.2025 issued by a commercial bank operating in Sri Lanka approved by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka as per Clause 10 of Instructions to Bidders. Alternatively, bidder can pay in cash to shroff of the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya.
No.Name of the Hospital/ InstituteContract No.Bid Security amount (Rs.)Bid Document Fee
01Peradeniya Teaching Hospital, PeradeniyaTHP/AB/01/2025345,000.003,500.00
  1. The Regional Procurement Committee,Teaching Hospital Peradeniya reserves the right to reject any or all bids and the right to accept any portion of a bid, at any time prior to awarding of a contract without giving any reasons for such action. The Regional Procurement Committee,Teaching Hospital Peradeniya is not bound to accept the lowest or any bids.
  1. Bid documents, not downloaded from the official website of Peradeniya Teaching Hospital – (  and not accompanied with the receipt for the payment of bid documents fees will be rejected.
  1. Pre-bid meeting will be held at 11.00 a.m. on 03.03.2025 at the below address.


Regional Procurement Committee,

Peradeniya Teaching Hospital,


Tender Document