The researcher requesting ethical clearance from the ERC Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya is advised to submit following documents to avoid delays in processing the application.
Detailed study proposal should be prepared according to the following format:
- Title of the research
- Introduction
- Background and rationale of the study
- Objectives and hypothesis
- Methodology
- Study type (e.g., experimental, case control, cohort, descriptive etc.)
- Clearly defined population and sample
- Sample size
- Sampling technique
- Inclusion and exclusion criteria
- Proposed data analysis method
- Ethical concerns – Conflict of Interest
- List of references
- Three copies of information sheet and consent form in English, Sinhala and Tamil language. *
- Three copies of data collection tool in three languages (study questionnaire, check list, interviewer guide, etc.) *
- One copy of the brief curriculum vitae (academic and research experience) of all investigators and supervisors.
- One copy of the authorization / permission letters from appropriate authorities.
- For postgraduate study proposal; a letter from the relevant postgraduate institute/ board/ committee stating that the research proposal has been evaluated and has been found to be satisfactory for the purpose of postgraduate research. (If the study is exclusively conducted in English, English forms are adequate)
- Payments (as approved by Ethical Review Committee On 12th of November 2021)
- Rs. 2000/ – from Non-Hospital Members
- Rs. 1500/ – from Hospital Members
Deposit money to – (Bank – BOC / Branch – Peradeniya / Account No – 88312489)
- Please submit your documents to the Health Information & Research Unit (HIRU) within the 1st week of the month, as Ethical Review Committee meeting is holding every 3rd week.
- Additionally, we ask that you provide soft copies of the documents to the following email address:
Submission Check List
- Covering Letter
- Application form (1 copy)
- Detailed research proposal (3 copies)
- Study instruments Questionnaires/ interview/ guides/ checklist/ data extraction forms) English (3 copies)
- Study instruments – Sinhala (3 copies)
- Study instruments – Tamil (3 copies)
- Information sheet –English (3 copies)
- Information sheet – Sinhala (3 copies)
- Information sheet – Tamil (3 copies)
- Consent forms – English (3 copies)
- Consent forms – Sinhala (3 copies)
- Consent forms –Tamil (3 copies)
- Permission letter – Relevant language
- CV of the principal investigator
- CV of the Supervisor
- Any other relevant documents (3 copies)
- Payment receipt (1 copy)
- Hard copy of the submission check list