TH Peradeniya has conducted a rheumatology service for several years, having been started under the guidance of Professor Chandrika Jayasinghe, Consultant Physician. Since the assumption of duties of Dr Chathurika Dandeniya, Consultant Rheumatologist and Senior Lecturer in Medicine, in 2019, the services have steadily expanded. There are currently four clinics conducted per week and the details are as follows:

Day of the week Time Venue Services offered
Monday 8am to 12pm Medical Clinic New patients referred to the rheumatology services will be reviewed here. 20 patients will be seen by prior appointment and any urgent patients will be seen additionally.
Monday 1pm to 4pm Medical Clinic Follow-up of patients with autoimmune rheumatological conditions.
Wednesday 8am to 12pm Geriatric Clinic New and follow-up patients with rheumatological conditions, over the age of 65 years and referred to the geriatric service
Wednesday 1pm to 4pm Surgical Clinic 5 new patients will be seen by appointment and follow-up patients with soft tissue rheumatological conditions and those who are pregnant and suffering from rheumatological disorders will be done here.

Children with rheumatological conditions will be seen in all of the above clinics except for the geriatric rheumatology clinic on Wednesday mornings.

What is Rheumatology?

Rheumatology is the discipline in medicine that deals with ailments of bones, joints and connective tissues. ‘Arthritis’ is a common term used in rheumatology although this does not cover all illnesses. Some of the conditions seen in our clinic include (but not limited to):

Soft tissue rheumatism- neck, shoulder, back, neck and knee pains, other joint pains and generalized body pains

Autoimmune rheumatological conditions- inflammatory arthritis, lupus (SLE), systemic sclerosis, inflammatory myositis, vasculitis

Other conditions- gout, other types of crystal arthritis, autoimmune and autoinflammatory conditions of children

Services that we offer

Although we mainly provide outpatient services, we admit patients for in-patient care when necessary. Currently in-ward care is provided at the medical wards 7, 8 and 12. We have managed several patients with life-threatening rheumatological conditions successfully with the help of a very capable multidisciplinary team. State-of-the-art rheumatology services are accessible to any patient with access to a very capable physiotherapy and occupational therapy team, medication including biologics and kind and compassionate medical, nursing and health care assistant teams.

How to access the rheumatology services

You will need to be seen at the outpatients department (OPD) of the hospital first. If the doctors there feel that you need the attention of a rheumatologist, you will be directed to the clinic with a referral. You will need to meet with the nursing staff of the medical clinic with the referral, who will give you an appointment to the clinic. If you are very ill and admitted to the wards and the attending team suspect you to have a rheumatological condition, they will make a referral to the rheumatology team who will assess the patient and make a plan for the follow up.

Personal details

Dr Chathurika Dandeniya

Consultant in Rheumatology and Rehabilitation

Senior Lecturer in Medicine

Department of Medicine

University of Peradeniya


Academic qualifications: MBBS (Pera), MD (Col), MRCP UK, MRCP Rheumatology

Research publications- you can direct to the faculty website but that list needs upgrading